[TYPO3-v4] Minutes from the 8th meeting of the 4.6 Release Team
Xavier Perseguers
xavier at typo3.org
Fri May 20 13:21:42 CEST 2011
Hi dear TYPO3 community,
here are the notes of the 8th meeting of the 4.6 Release Team.
The minutes are also available in the wiki of TYPO3 4.6:
Minutes from the 8th meeting of the 4.6 Release Team
*May 16th, 2011*
The 4.6 release team meets weekly for a Skype discussion round on the
current activities. If you find this report interesting or have some
comment or question about a particular topic, don't hesitate to
follow-up on the thread in the v4 mailing list.
On Monday, May 16th 2011 we held our 8th meeting with the following
- Xavier Perseguers (4.6 Release Manager)
- Oliver Hader (Core Team Leader)
- Benjamin Mack (4.4 Release Manager)
- Ben van't Ende (Community Manager)
We started our meeting by brainstorming on our feel of lack of activity
in TYPO3 development. Of course development is going on and a few people
are still quite active on providing patches and reviewing RFC's (many
thanks) but anyway, we are forced to admit that there is objectively
less activity going on "publicly".
It is of course obvious that this is related to the move to Git and
Gerrit where RFC's are not posted to the Core mailing list anymore but
are available for reading from http://review.typo3.org where anybody may
answer to the authentication prompt by providing his/her typo3.org
credentials (the ones used to report bugs and feature requests on Forge
or to manage extension keys on typo3.org).
Although this reviewing system is very efficient and basically allow
anybody to easily give +1 by reading and/or testing (now mapped to "Code
Review" and "Verified" respectively), we all miss the sometimes informal
way of reviewing patches and discuss changes we used to have in the Core
mailing list. Ideally, we would like Gerrit to post to the mailing list
in order for anybody to easily follow "what's going on". A suggestion is
pending in Forge [1] and it seems the main obstacle is as usual manpower
but in the meantime, we suggest you subscribe to some email-based feed
by configuring notification in "Settings / Watched Projects" in Gerrit.
Olly pointed out that the move to Git instead of Subversion implies to
take time to configure one system (using the tutorial on [2]) and that
many community users did not yet "make the switch". As the tutorials are
now proven to be complete, we are confident you will take the few
minutes needed to (re-) configure your TYPO3 environment and your
different auto-update scripts. Do not hesitate to post to one of your
preferred mailing list to ask for help if needed.
Benni suggested to plan a special meeting with the release team and a
few other core team members to make sure we ourselves "master" Git and
Gerrit workflows. Finally, we will ask the server management team to
redirect the "403 authentication failed" page you get when canceling the
authentication prompt on Gerrit to redirect to some landing page on 's
wiki where people would be guided by a step-by-step tutorial. Ben and
Olly will take care of preparing this wiki page.
Form project
According to Ben and a discussion we had with Patrick, leader of the
Form project [3], it should be ready by now and will hopefully be
integrated soon into Core. Ben will get in touch with Patrick to plan this.
Project XLIFF [4] aims at replacing the way we deal with localization
within TYPO3 by a better, state-of-the-art, approach. This project was
kickstarted by Dominique but he now needs some help to push it forward.
We would like to integrate his work as soon as possible and plan to
backport this feature to 4.5 LTS if it proves to be stable and
well-integrated. Older versions of TYPO3 are not on our radar because
support for 4.4 will end in October, once 4.6 --rebase is released.
Ben will get in touch with Dominique to host the new translation server
Dominique set up on our typo3.org infrastructure. Xavier and possibly
François will have a meeting with Dominique before our next swiss
French-speaking TUG event in Lausanne to help him integrating his work
into Core.
Roles in Backend
Xavier suggested to forget about this idea for the time being.
Having a full-fledge dashboard is perhaps ambitious given the time-frame
we have but we still aim at getting rid of prototype and script.aculo.us
and this should continue with a refactoring of the backend toolbar on
top using ExtJS instead.
TCEforms refactoring
Currently, the whole feature set is not supported and this is what
prevents integration of partial work into Core as we do not want
partially-working alternatives to existing ones which in the end stays
forever and forces us to maintain two code bases. However, we should not
forget that 4.6 is a development branch which lets us do major work
without worrying too much.
Install Tool
Benni did some further refactoring using Fluid and, we quote him, "It
just turned out to be working :-)". He is refactoring "bottom to top",
recoding every page and separating them. More than half of them are
already refactored. Some tests such as changing the install tool
password should be performed but basics will be ready for alpha2
already. Adding a security section is most probably something that will
happen for alpha3.
Olly will get in touch with the team to see how to integrate at least
the API and a basic implementation of the current fileadmin operation
which should be more than ready now into alpha2.
REST / Web Services
Xavier will get in touch with the team to enquire about the progress.
File Upload
Xavier will get in touch with the team to enquire about the progress.
BE performance
Steffen is planning to do some prototyping to enhance the loading mask
after moving. We currently have about 56 JS files loaded and this is
something to consider too to speed up the Backend, although many of them
are related to prototype and script.aculo.us.
Packaging of 4.6 alpha1 allowed us to find and fix some glitches in the
scripts. The next releases such as the 4.5.3 planned for next week will
take advantage of those bug fixes.
- TYPO3 4.6 alpha2 on June 14th 2011
- Feature Freeze and TYPO3 4.6 beta1 on August 2nd 2011
no new features and no exceptions after the feature freeze date
- Final Release of TYPO3 4.6.0 on October 25th 2011
Next steps
If you feel interested in a particular project or task, please reply on
the list or directly get in contact with Xavier Perseguers as Release
Manager of TYPO3 4.6.
[1] http://forge.typo3.org/issues/25749
[2] http://wiki.typo3.org/Git_Gerrit
[3] http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-form
[4] http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-xliff
Xavier Perseguers
Release Manager TYPO3 4.6
TYPO3 .... inspiring people to share!
Get involved: http://typo3.org
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