[TYPO3-v4] a question on typo3 - 4.5
Shawn Wang
shawnwa at umd.umich.edu
Fri May 6 05:16:14 CEST 2011
Hi Francois,
Thank you very much.
I downloaded & installed introduction package.
I found the problem with tables creation - I should configure database, click COMPARE, and WRITE SQL queries to database, and then I can create admin user.
But I am still blocked there, when I go to typo3 backend to login. w/o login form, the message:
This installation was just upgraded to TYPO3 4.5. In this version, some default settings have changed.
You can continue to use your settings by specifying the former default values in localconf.php.
Please proceed to the Update Wizard in the TYPO3 Install Tool to update your configuration.
Why does this happen?
Could you help me get out there?
Shawn Wang
----- Original Message -----
From: "François Suter" <fsu-lists at cobweb.ch>
To: typo3-project-v4 at lists.typo3.org
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2011 11:48:45 AM
Subject: Re: [TYPO3-v4] a question on typo3 - 4.5
Hi Shawn,
> Is typo3 version 4.5 designed for upgrading from previous version only, or it can be used independently?
> I installed 4.5.2, but I can NOT create admin user, because no be_user table, so that I can NOT login to the system.
> If it is designed for upgrading only, would you please tell you, which version I should start with?
Every version of TYPO3 can be considered as "stand alone", not as an
upgrade of an earlier version. What path have you followed to install
TYPO3 4.5.2? Did you download the Introduction Package?
Or did you install in some other way? If you're new to TYPO3, I would
strongly recommended taking your first steps with the Introduction
Package, as it is expressly designed for that purpose.
You will certainly find the Installation Guide and the Getting Started
useful too:
I hope all this will help you get off to a better start. It's not normal
that you had no be_user, but it's hard to tell what problem happened
without more information.
Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch
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