[TYPO3-v4] Core projects merge via subtree merge?

Tolleiv.Nietsch info at tolleiv.de
Mon Mar 7 17:35:08 CET 2011

Am 07.03.2011 16:36, schrieb Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]:
> Tolleiv.Nietsch schrieb am 07.03.2011 16:09:
>>> So maybe we should do it for bug fixes (older branches) and only squash
>>> commits into one if there was really a huge new feature being
>>> implemented which has to "enter the core" (in which case one huge
>>> squashed commit should be fine).
>>> What do you think?
>> Well I think we can't do both at the same time ;)
> Why not? Technically not possible you mean? Reading the git pro
> walkthrough for this feature [1] it looks like you can do it differently
> on different branches.

Sure technically possible.
> Haven't tested it, but.. wouldn't it work?

Uhm. you mentioned to squash features into a single commit and not to 
squash bugfixes. So it's clear for 4.5 that we don't squash anything 
since we're doing bugfixes only. But for 4.6 we'd have to squash some 
commits (related to features) and leaves others (bugfixes) 
out/unsquashed - that's just overhead. And as I mentioned before all 
commits would have to go though the entire Core gerrit again.

> I think this can be done for 4.5 and older branches too (the automatic
> merge, without squashing), even "daily" would be possible. So that the
> release process is simple "take the current state" and release. Also
> makes our "daily snapshots" really complete with all sub-projects
> included in their latests state, while still allowing the external teams
> to do their "own work".
> In this case, "experimental stuff" and "huge new features" should be
> done in experimental branches which are not merged into our core
> automatically. The teams can then add their new feature in one squashed
> merge after it has been reach a state where it deserves to be in the core.

True even independent from the merge strategy ;)

> If we do it like this, we can do a regular merges without squashing for
> all branches! I love it! What do you think?

If that's possible I would love to have something fully automated which 
does the merge whenever needed (tags, daily, whatever). Not sure what 
the Extbase and DBAL teams think of that? But as I said - I'd prefer to 
avoid that all issues from subprojects have to pass Gerrit twice.

I will also look into git-submodules a bit and check how they can help us.

But I guess we have to discuss this with Peter and Karsten to figure out 
if this would be possible to have automatic merges which work "directly" 
on git.typo3.org and bypass gerrit.

Tolleiv Nietsch
www.tolleiv.de - www.aoemedia.de
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tolleiv

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