[TYPO3-v4] List module improvements

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon Mar 7 10:34:25 CET 2011


Am 07.03.2011 10:09, schrieb Dmitry Dulepov:
> Hi!
> Jigal van Hemert wrote:
>> If there are more than N tables, just display the headings and load the
>> records if the user wants to open a table (AJAX call). This costs
>> another click, but the end result is faster.

I would prefer to reduce loading time in not showing all tables + ~20 
records with load. It's not needed, noone want to inspect all records at 
So i would prefer to have one grid for record view, and a header table 
like this:

table1   456 records  [show] [new record]
table2   12 records  [show] [new record]

On click on show the grid loads the records (all) using paging and a 
limit per page. Then you have all the actions for this table and all 
records with filter/search etc.

> Open tables should be loaded static. It is very annoying to wait for a
> normal table and next to see spinning icons on the loaded table. Users
> already say that spinning icons in BE is something they do not appreciate.
> For loading with ajax, tables should be optimized first. List module is
> quite stupid actually, it tries to load records from absolutely all
> tables in the system for the current page. So 200 tables => 200 queries
> to 200 tables without proper indexes. You can imagine the result. As to
> the ajax, it will simply timeout in many cases because with large tables
> fetching by pid would takes more than 30 seconds.
> So optimization of table indexes first.

This reminds me to your request in v4 list - cache sql results.
Forget about existing list module, this has to be done a bit smarter :)

vg Steffen

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