[TYPO3-v4] PHP register_globals and Ticket#2011121510000044

Michael Stucki michael.stucki at typo3.org
Sat Dec 31 16:10:27 CET 2011

Hi Georg,

Am 15.12.2011 14:28, schrieb Georg Ringer:
> Am 15.12.2011 13:52, schrieb Steffen Müller:
>> I'd suggest to let TYPO3 bootstrap die() if it is turned on. Hardcore
>> solution, but effective. At least for 4.6 which relies on PHP 5.3.
> not possible and not an option
> better code is always the 1st choice

I agree with Steffen, such a change would make sense IMHO.
Since it's a breaking change it is not possible in 4.6 and lower, but it
will be no problem to add this change for TYPO3 4.7.

Or why do you think it's not possible?

- michael

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