[TYPO3-v4] Minutes of the 4th meeting of the 4.7 Release Team

Georg Ringer typo3 at ringerge.org
Tue Dec 13 11:35:49 CET 2011

Hi Steffen,

thanks again for the notes

Am 13.12.2011 11:27, schrieb Steffen Ritter:
> There are two outstanding patch which have to be merged, to have an
> working backend again... This will hopefully happen during today. Then
> you are up to bug-hunting and reporting.

if you have already pulled, a simple
git reset --hard 0d9d97d should bring you the last working version

> The Rewrite of Workspaces will be tackled by the Workspaces Team on an
> codesprint in first week of January, which also means that WS-Module and
> WS Preview are not available again until Alpha3.

would it make sense to commit a simple info msg there to prevent people 
submitting tickets for this over and over?


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