[TYPO3-v4] TYPO3 4.6 (Change I4199cb8c) Redirect Problem

Tobias Pierschel tobias.pierschel at netinventors.de
Fri Dec 2 11:07:50 CET 2011


the new behavior of shortcut is very anoying. Most of our projects have the following structur:

kundendomain.de (Rootpage with shortcut to startseite)
+ Startseite
+ Kontakt
+ Impressum
+ xyz

If the user calls kundendomain.de the URL remains kundedomain.de

With TYPO3 the user calls kundendomain.de and the URL get kundedomain.de/startseite

This looks very ugly. Have you ever seen that stern.de redirects to stern.de/starseite ?

A little workaround could be, that i change the structur a little bit like this:

kundendomain.de (Root)
+ Startseite (shortcut to page kundendomain.de)
+ Kontakt
+ Impressum

but now i have the problem that my mainmenu with "Startseite" never gets the status act or cur.

How can i solve the problem?

Thanks a lot.

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