[TYPO3-v4] No Modules

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon Aug 8 12:29:49 CEST 2011


Am 08.08.2011 08:37, schrieb Philipp Gampe:
> Steffen Gebert wrote:
>>> IMO this is a problem when there are no groups or a group is hidden or
>>> something like that - if I remember it correctly
>> Yes, this problem exists. The error message appears, when the user has
>> no access to any module. It's a bit misleading to tell that there's an
>> error, when the admin forgot to enable module access.
> Nope, it happens sometimes at start, even for admin users. Seems to be an
> issue with current master.
yes, that happens sometimes but reload helps.

On my side the problem resists even the user/group has access set to 
modules, so it should not happen at all. When i debugged it, the array 
for modules is built 3 times.
1. time: completely filled, all ok
2. time: resetted to empty
3. time: empty

I see only 2 requests: one from backend.php and one from aboutmodules as 
it is start module. I have no idea what the second call is about and why 
the array is reset to empty.
As i test with current master i wonder about the different output, after 
clearing all caches it should be identical on all installations.

vg Steffen

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