[TYPO3-v4] Supersearch working for anyone?

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Sat Nov 20 18:35:09 CET 2010

François Suter schrieb am 20.11.2010 17:20:
> Hi,
>> In fact, when using 1-2-3 have having drivers for other DBMS than MySQL,
>> DBAL activates itself automatically to dynamically change install
>> process and show you a list of available drivers (possibly changing the
>> connection settings for the chosen DBMS). But the point is that it
>> deactivates again itself if you choose MySQL as it is not needed then.
> My main development instance when working with current trunk is based on
> my own package and I did not go through the 1-2-3 install process in
> this case. I really don't know how "dbal" got turned on suddenly...

DBAL was auto-activating itself when simply going to the Install tool
and saving some form. This happened in alpha3 only (and during the time
this code was buggy in trunk):

from:  rev. 8919 (with the addition of feature #15075), included alpha3
until: rev. 9463 (fixed in #16444), included in beta1

So if you used Install Tool during these revisions or in alpha3, chances
are that DBAL activated itself. :)


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