[TYPO3-v4] Minutes from the 16th Skype meeting of the release 4.5 team
Dmitry Dulepov
dmitry at typo3.org
Wed Nov 3 09:38:32 CET 2010
Ernesto Baschny wrote:
> Welcome Cambodia and "Khmer"
> ------------------------------
> Olly announced that Dominik Stankowski from Web Essentials wants to
> translate the core labels to the Khmer language. So we will see an RFC
> shortly which adds this new language to the core and a request to add it
> also in the translation servers (Dmitry). Plan is to have it finished
> for 4.5.
The change should be in the core. Mario contacted me and I told him how to
do it. As soon as it is in the core, I will update the translation server
and translation can be started. I will also add a user account to the
server (this needs a request in the translators list). I read core list
daily Mon-Thu, so it will be fast :)
Also I suggest to contact Andreas Becker because he does a lot of great
work with Asian languages. May be they can cooperate for better translations.
> Indexed Search
> ---------------------------
> Currently no apparent activity on that project, Steffen will ask about
> the status of it to Dmitry. There is a "branch" [8] but nothing happened
> so far.
> [8]
> http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-core/repository/show/branches/indexed_search_refactoring
It happens on the GitHub. I started refactoring but I had lots of customer
work in the past month (nearly 100% of time), so I did not do much. My main
goals are:
- split huge functions to smaller ones (one task per function)
- beautify the code
- remove unused variables and make sure all others are properly
initialized. Uninitialized variables are very common in the indexed search,
sometimes they are used in huge conditions, thus making long blocks of
unused code
- fix obvious bugs during refactoring and add more complex bugs to Mantis
Hopefully I will get more time next week.
> Admin Panel design
> ---------------------------
> Speaking of Dmitry, we also discussed the admin panel design refactoring
> which Dmitry worked on (RFC #15853 [9]). The issue is currently in the
> design team tracker (#10199 [10]) and there hasn't been a conclusion
> yet. It would be a shame if this feature wouldn't make it into the core.
> Friday at 11h there is a next meeting with the design team and we will
> also discuss that issue and how to proceed.
I really hope that gets into 4.5. In my opinion delaying there is not
necessary. Better smaller step than no step at all. So I would be happy if
the current versions gets into SVN and then design team starts improving
it. Otherwise we risk never getting it in. Truly speaking, this
disappointed me in that discussion: instead of making gradual improvements,
design team wants to make a fully shining admin panel commit. I think this
is not realistic because we all work in spare time. So we should commit a
smaller change right now and improve it in smaller steps when we have time.
Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 core&security team member
Twitter: http://twitter.com/dmitryd
Read more @ http://dmitry-dulepov.com/
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