[TYPO3-v4] Extending CSS styled content to wrap extension plugins in the frontend

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sat May 29 15:52:53 CEST 2010


Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer schrieb:
> So, how would I get this into TYPO3 or where would be the bast place to 
> push this into a developer discussion?
> And does anybody have an idea how to add the 'CODE' or 'action' part 
> into the markup as well? The idea is to have something like:
> <div class="csc-default csc-plugin csc-plugin-tt_news 
> csc-plugin-tt_news_list"></div>
> <div class="csc-default csc-plugin csc-plugin-tt_news 
> csc-plugin-tt_news_single"></div>

these ones are possible, because extensions have template parts for the 
different actions. Every extension (pibase/extbase) should provide such 

For tt_content we only have the list and the list_type field to 
automatic wrap, so there could be done such.

TS is changable, so the best you could do is to provide a live example 
with suggested wraps, so if you convince people it has a change for core ;)

vg Steffen

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