[TYPO3-v4] [TYPO3-core] RFC #13737: Bug: Unit test failures in scheduler tests if only the required system extensions are installed

Marcus Krause marcus#exp2010 at t3sec.info
Sun Mar 28 15:35:25 CEST 2010

Am 28.03.2010 15:19, schrieb Francois Suter:
> Hi,
>> Agreed. So, as a rule of thumb: Tests for non required system extensions
>> (saltedpasswords, scheduler, ..) should live in the extension sysfolder,
>> while testcases of required system extensions (cms) can be located in
>> main tests/ folder, or should we move them as well?
> I would move them all. The list of required extensions varies over time
> (not much, but it does), which would mean regularly moving tests about.
> So IMO it is simpler to decide that all tests have to reside inside
> their own extensions, even for required sysexts.

I'm of the same opinion. Then we have a "general rule" - all sysext unit
tests within the sysext itself.


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