[TYPO3-v4] TYPO3 4.4 released - easier than ever!

Susanne Moog info at susannemoog.de
Wed Jun 23 15:00:52 CEST 2010

On 23.06.2010 14:43, "Christian Müller [kitsunet]" wrote:
> On 23.06.2010 14:10, Susanne Moog wrote:
>> On 23.06.2010 14:05, "Christian Müller [kitsunet]" wrote:
>>> Agree about the general rant about caffein (even if I too drink my green
>>> tea and coke). I recommend seeing the comparison of spiders nets [1],
>> ... and reading the sentence next to it (on the right, beginning with
>> "While relatively save for humans..." ;)
>> Susanne
> Probably someone will sue T3 Association for the sentence in Intro
> Package because the Cup of Coffe was his 50001 that day and that made
> his heart stop...

Aaah, not likely that he will still be able to sue then ;) No I get your
point and I have nothing against changing the sentence in general but
just wanted to say that caffeine is not nearly as bad as it's reputation
which is mostly based on myth. (and yes I'm watching myth busters much
too often *g*)


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