[TYPO3-mvc] [6.x.+] DataMapper assumes that DateTime is stored in UTC, but it's not true
Frans Saris
franssaris at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 18:51:16 CET 2015
Hi Marcus,
This is indeed a an issue see https://review.typo3.org/#/c/36786/
Could you check if the patch fixes your problem?
Gr. Frans
Op 23 mrt. 2015 15:40 schreef "Marcus Biesioroff" <marcus at typo3.pl>:
> In Extbase 6.x+ DataMapper::mapDateTime() assumes that native DateTime
> dates are stored in DB with UTC TimeZone so it forces the TZ conversion to
> the current one, link:
> github.com/TYPO3/TYPO3.CMS/blob/TYPO3_6-2/typo3/sysext/
> extbase/Classes/Persistence/Generic/Mapper/DataMapper.php#L260
> Of course it's wrong assumption as:
> * TCE forms doesn't respect it. Setting in date field '2015-03-23
> 12:00:00' will save it as is, although my TimeZone is GMT+1 (so it should
> be stored as '2015-03-23 11:00:00'
> * Model's setters also doesn't respect it, the same as above it will be
> saved to DB as '2015-03-23 12:00:00'
> * Extbase returns wrong date ant time (shifted a few hours according to
> difference of the current TZ vs UTC) '2015-03-23 13:00:00' for given date
> * if there's setting in the Install tool $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONV_VARS']['SYS']['phpTimeZone']
> - which is resolved in the Bootstrap class, why can't we use it to mapping
> the Date/DateTime fields? In such case if some wants to use UTC - can use
> UTC, but in many cases it will be just another TimeZone - i.e. CET/GMT+1 in
> my case?
> * This way it's not possible handle easy dates for different TimeZones
> i.e. by adding custom TimeZone field to the model
> Dirty and fast and most important - working - workaround is avoiding the
> UTC forcing in the linked mapDateTime() method, but I wonder if this
> shouldn't be fixed in the core like:
> .. elseif ($storageFormat === 'date' || $storageFormat === 'datetime') {
> // native date/datetime values are stored in ...
> current TimeZone (UTC storing is NOT handled properly in all aspects!)
> $currentTimeZone = new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get());
> // default TZ already set in the Bootstrap!
> $mappedDateTime = new \DateTime($value,
> $currentTimeZone);
> return $mappedDateTime;
> } else ...
> Has this some side effects in 6.2 ? I don't like the idea that I would
> need to convert dates to UTC each time for saving and getting in
> non-extbase occurrences especially if all server works in only ONE timezone
> (that means TCE hooking and overriding the setters).
> IMHO DateTime field should be considered the same way as any T3 record in
> default language - it's not English or Danish or anything else... it's
> default due to the installation context.
> P.S. Sorry for lack of formatting, I've no idea how to format code block
> on the forum :/
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