[TYPO3-mvc] Harmonization and Streamlining of CMS Fluid and FLOW Fluid
Markus Klein
klein.t3 at reelworx.at
Fri Mar 20 01:52:53 CET 2015
> On 18.03.15, at 16:02, Markus Klein wrote:
> Hi Markus and thanks for bringing this to the mailing lists,
> > The community members [...] don't understand why there are two Fluids
> > and it's inscrutable to them why sometimes even the "syntax" is different.
> Yes. And it's even more confusing than CMS vs Neos because they both have
> the same name ;)
> > So, if you guys at "upstream" Fluid are fine with adopting also changes from
> CMS Fluid.
> First I have to say that I don't have any privileges over other members
> even though I am co-founder. But I think I'm speaking for all of us when
> I say that we're open for all kind of suggestions and improvements to
> Fluid no matter from where they come.
Well, it is a matter of fact that the Neos/Flow Team has the hand over the Fluid repository, which is not surprising as the CMS Team has to deal with its own copy and naturally the ACs didn't look too close into the upstream repository.
> > we also have to agree that any changes made to "upstream" Fluid have to
> be checked in CMS as well
> > whether it breaks stuff or not. A spontaneous idea to accomplish that
> would be, that each merge in Fluid
> > has to be signed off by an CMS AC, so we would at least have 2-eyes from
> each project on each change.
> > This should ease the pain of keeping the Fluids in sync
> Yes, we can try that. But we'd have to find a way that does not create a
> lot of overhead or possible blockers (e.g. due to missing feedback).
Well I expect blockers here, because I fear that interests may collide in one or the other detail.
> In general I still think the best solution for everybody (Flow users,
> Extbase users and even "outsiders" that only want to use Fluid) would be
> a solid standalone version of Fluid.
Indeed! But before we can make a standalone version, we have to identify the common parts of the two Fluids.
The focus though has to be on the usability for the developer. Hence, the specific parts per product need to be of technical kind only, but must not lead to syntactal differences. This specifically applies to conventions and viewhelpers. So there must not be two viewhelpers with the same name, but different functionality. Of course every product should ship the specific viewhelpers on their own.
We could even pull some viewhelpers of the VHS extension into the standalone Fluid.
> There are already some people that tried this (see
> https://jira.typo3.org/browse/FLOW-190) but I don't think there's a
> version yet that works standalone.
> It's probably quite a lot of work, but given the amount of work that has
> been and is being put into keeping the versions in sync, it might be
> justified.
> Maybe this is a project that can be funded.
Would be really nice. Which budget? Neos or CMS or both?
> --
> Bastian Waidelich
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Kind regards
Markus Klein
TYPO3 CMS Active Contributors Team Member
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