[TYPO3-mvc] Re: Create predefined fe_groups when activating extension

David Effendi david.effendi at limeflavour.com
Wed Dec 2 11:20:25 CET 2015


i cannot see the problem.

Go to the list module in the backend, pick the root in the pagetree (id 0) and create the groups via backend.

Or are the groups supposed to be created in some dynamically way - in this case i would take the FrontendUserGroupRepository 

see http://api.typo3.org/typo3cms/current/html/class_t_y_p_o3_1_1_c_m_s_1_1_extbase_1_1_domain_1_1_repository_1_1_frontend_user_group_repository.html

and add the needed groups 

$newFeGroup = $this->objectManager->create('\\TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Domain\\Model\\FrontendUserGroup');


- persist
- add user to new group

But i dont understand why you should need something like this, anyway ;)

PS: I'm not sure if these double backslashes are needed anymore...

all best

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