[TYPO3-mvc] Extbase objects only partly (uid, pid) filled

Jonas Eberle jonas.eberle at d-mind.de
Thu Nov 13 10:13:57 CET 2014

> On 11.11.14 10:22, Andreas Renner wrote:
>> I'm facing exactly the same problem, have you already found a 
>> solution or at least the reason for this behavior?
No, while I could reproduce it consistently during a week (by clearing 
caches), it just went away when I added some funcionality later while 
the site was already online.
I was SO puzzled, it was unbelievable.

Am 11.11.2014 um 18:59 schrieb Helmut Hummel:
> The described behavior only happens if TCA is incomplete, which only 
> happens if you incorrectly and/or partially bootstrap TYPO3.
No, this was a standard action and would happen also with a strapped 
down TCA down to only 1 datafield which configuration was 
tripple-checked to be correct.

> Does anybody of you use eID dispatchers to dispatch Extbase Ajax actions?
Yes, I used them but switched to your typoscript_rendering which is 
extremely promising.

Kind regards,

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