[TYPO3-mvc] filter and pagination views of own extension really slow
Daniel Hirth
hirth at stimme.net
Fri Apr 4 12:01:21 CEST 2014
Thanks for the tips, checking the index and declaring more object properties as lazy sped up the extension already. I still do have some questions though:
> The pagination wizard itself just sets the limit to the query and as long as
> you use "normal" queryResultObjects the request is just send once to the
> database. Maybe you can provide some code to look over to be sure none of
> you actions already fetches whole objects.
Okay, so in the action, I just call the repository function and deliver the results to the view.
public function listAction($filter) {
// [...]
$events = $this->eventRepository->findByFilter($filter);
$this->view->assign('filter', $filter);
In the view, the event Items are counted before they are paginated, could this be a problem?
<f:if condition="{events}">
<f:if condition="{settings.itemsPerPage}">
<f:if condition="{events->f:count()} >= {settings.itemsPerPage}">
<f:widget.paginate objects="{events}" as="pageevents">
<f:for each="{pageevents}" as="event">
<f:render partial="Event/EventItem" arguments="{event:event}" />
<f:for each="{events}" as="event">
<f:render partial="Event/EventItem" arguments="{event:event}" />
<!-- [...] -->
> 1) don use noCache, with noCache in your Request you dont use any caches
> use a separat action that is uncached, for example results.
> Then you can display lists (cached) or result-views (uncached)
I created a new action "listResults", which is basically a copy of the list action, and set it to non-cacheable in the localconf. For the templates of both the list action and the listResults action the same two partials are called:
<f:render partial="Event/EventFilter" arguments="{filter:filter}" />
<f:render partial="Event/EventList" arguments="{events:events}" />
The filter form was changed like this:
<f:form object="{filter}" name="filter" method="post" action="listResults">
<!-- [...] -->
So when a visitor uses the filter form he will be redirected to the listResults action, which is not cached. This works, EXCEPT that the filter object is lost in the listResults-Action, even though the Post-data is clearly transferred between the actions. Is this because i chose to use a filter object instead of an array?
Thanks and best regards
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