[TYPO3-mvc] Validator with "trim" funnctionality smilar to TCEFORM

Chris Wolff - AERTiCKET AG cwolff at aer.de
Tue Apr 1 17:43:50 CEST 2014

Hi Everybody,
Is it Possible to  Write an extbase Validtor which Modifies the Validated result. Similar to the TCEFORMs validators

Background: I have a lot of forms where the user can enter custom strings (e.g serial numbers)
As users are users the numbers need to be unified.
Replace inline spaches with "-" and and so on.
And it would be nice if my validator could modify the value.

And I Want to avoid adding the code to every getter and setter which deals whith this properity type.

Regards chris
Christian Wolff
- Database and Programming -
Boppstraße 10
10967 Berlin
Tel. +49 (0) 30 - 69 80 22 33
Fax +49 (0) 30 - 69 80 21 78
eMail cwolff at aer.de
http: www.aerticket.de
Rainer Klee (Vorsitz),
Roland Kreling-Behmenburg, Uwe Zobel,
Jttka Zimmermann

Wolfgang Altmüller

Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
HRB 82 693
UST ID: DE 218 238 232

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