[TYPO3-mvc] Re: Same Model Relations result in a sql error

Philipp philippwrann at gmx.at
Wed Oct 23 17:04:45 CEST 2013

Forgot something

The whole method:
protected function addUnionStatement(&$className, &$tableName, &$propertyPath, array &$sql) {
		$explodedPropertyPath = explode('.', $propertyPath, 2);
		$propertyName = $explodedPropertyPath[0];
		$columnName = $this->dataMapper->convertPropertyNameToColumnName($propertyName, $className);
		$tableName = $this->dataMapper->convertClassNameToTableName($className);
		$columnMap = $this->dataMapper->getDataMap($className)->getColumnMap($propertyName);

		if ($columnMap === NULL) {
			throw new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Exception\MissingColumnMapException('The ColumnMap for property "' . $propertyName . '" of class "' . $className . '" is missing.', 1355142232);

		$parentKeyFieldName = $columnMap->getParentKeyFieldName();
		$childTableName = $columnMap->getChildTableName();

		if ($childTableName === NULL) {
			throw new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Exception\InvalidRelationConfigurationException('The relation information for property "' . $propertyName . '" of class "' . $className . '" is missing.', 1353170925);
		$realTableName = $childTableName;
		if (isset($sql['tables'][$childTableName])) {
			$childTableName = 'a_'.uniqid();

		if ($columnMap->getTypeOfRelation() === \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Mapper\ColumnMap::RELATION_HAS_ONE) {
			if (isset($parentKeyFieldName)) {
				$sql['unions'][$childTableName] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $realTableName . ' AS '. $childTableName . ' ON ' . $tableName . '.uid=' . $childTableName . '.' . $parentKeyFieldName;
			} else {
				$sql['unions'][$childTableName] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $realTableName . ' AS '.$childTableName . ' ON ' . $tableName . '.' . $columnName . '=' . $childTableName . '.uid';
			$className = $this->dataMapper->getType($className, $propertyName);
		} elseif ($columnMap->getTypeOfRelation() === \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Mapper\ColumnMap::RELATION_HAS_MANY) {
			if (isset($parentKeyFieldName)) {
				$sql['unions'][$childTableName] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $realTableName . ' AS '.$childTableName . ' ON ' . $tableName . '.uid=' . $childTableName . '.' . $parentKeyFieldName;
			} else {
				$onStatement = '(FIND_IN_SET(' . $childTableName . '.uid, ' . $tableName . '.' . $columnName . '))';
				$sql['unions'][$childTableName] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $realTableName . ' AS '.$childTableName . ' ON ' . $onStatement;
			$className = $this->dataMapper->getType($className, $propertyName);
		} elseif ($columnMap->getTypeOfRelation() === \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Mapper\ColumnMap::RELATION_HAS_AND_BELONGS_TO_MANY) {
			$relationTableName = $columnMap->getRelationTableName();
			$sql['unions'][$relationTableName] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $relationTableName . ' ON ' . $tableName . '.uid=' . $relationTableName . '.' . $columnMap->getParentKeyFieldName();
			$sql['unions'][$childTableName] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $childTableName . ' ON ' . $relationTableName . '.' . $columnMap->getChildKeyFieldName() . '=' . $childTableName . '.uid';
			$className = $this->dataMapper->getType($className, $propertyName);
		} else {
			throw new \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Exception('Could not determine type of relation.', 1252502725);
		// TODO check if there is another solution for this
		$sql['keywords']['distinct'] = 'DISTINCT';
		$propertyPath = $explodedPropertyPath[1];
		$tableName = $childTableName;

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