[TYPO3-mvc] Issues with "@cascade remove" and forms with nested objects

Frenck Lutke frenck at innologi.nl
Tue May 21 10:28:40 CEST 2013

Hi Franz,

I'm well familiar with this issue, as I had to debug it a long time ago 
as well.

On 19-5-2013 18:15, Franz Koch wrote:
> Situation:
> I just wrote a simple blog like extension for a customer with the
> possibility to upload pictures and assign a caption to them. The
> pictures are themselves a domain object holding a filename and a caption
> property and are connected to the post object as ObjectStorage.
> In the create and edit forms, the blogger can dynamically add more
> upload fields with caption and ofc edit/delete existing.
> Issue:
> This all is working fine and gets mapped and persisted correctly as long
> as I haven't set the "@cascade remove" annotation for the pictures
> property. As soon as I add the annotation, ALL already persisted
> pictures get deleted when I update the blog post even if nothing changed
> at all and the property is correctly filled.
> Possible bug/cause:
> After debugging this for some hours now I think I found the cause. When
> I update the modified post in the repository, the persistence backend is
> calling "getRemovedChildObjects" in it's "persistObjectStorage" method,
> and "getRemovedChildObjects" always returns ALL contained objects even
> when nothing got removed.
> All this method internally does is a simple check if the current
> objectStorage contains all objects that exist in the clean property by
> comparing their spl_object_hash and returns all that are not contained.
> And this is the issue, because all nested picture objects got cloned in
> the PropertyMapper as they where submitted via the edit form and thus
> have a different spl_object_hash. So either the "getRemovedChildObjects"
> has to compare the (U)UID in case of DomainObjects or the PropertyMapper
> must not clone any object which is no aggregate root and thus not
> monitored by the persistenceManager.

This happens because the objectStorage property has changed. The tricky 
part is: all extbase knows is that the objectStorage has changed. It 
doesn't know which child-objects are detached, because child-objects 
aren't set to be removed when detached, as you could still attach them 
somewhere else before persistence applies. Detaching a child-object 
doesn't "say" anything about the child-object, it only says something 
about the its relation to the parentobject, and that's not stored in the 

Extbase's way to deal with this, is to simply set the entire ORIGINAL 
objectStorage content as removed as you've noticed, and then and 
reattach the child-objects that were in the changed objectStorage, while 
in turn removing re-attached child-objects from the removedObjects 
storage. This way, only child-objects that weren't re-attached can be 
considered "lost children" and remain in the removedObjects storage.

While that method is an acceptable solution in itself, the problem that 
occurs is that there is a cascade remove check in persistObjectStorage() 
BEFORE the re-attachment, that doesn't differentiate between removing 
always or only if the parent object was removed. It is this that I would 
classify as the actual bug, as "cascade" implies a status passed down 
from the parent object in programming.


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