[TYPO3-mvc] T3 6.1 Injection of Repository mapped to FE_User not working

Till Wimmer g4-lisz at tonarchiv.ch
Wed Dec 18 16:54:27 CET 2013

Hi Ludwig

Thanks for your help!

When I get the repository manually as you did propose, it works. I.e. the
repository seems to be ok, but injection does not work...

Now I run into the next problem:

$this->portalUserRepository->find(One)ByCustomer($customer) doesn't return
anything. $customer is initalized correctly.

The only method which returns a result is findByUid().

In the ext_tables.php, customer has been added to fe_user:

$tmp_stdapp_columns = array(

        'customer' => array(
                'exclude' => 0,
                'label' =>
                'config' => array(
                        'type' => 'inline',
                        'foreign_table' => 'tx_stdapp_domain_model_customer',
                        'minitems' => 0,
                        'maxitems' => 1,
                        'appearance' => array(
                                'collapseAll' => 0,
                                'levelLinksPosition' => 'top',
                                'showSynchronizationLink' => 1,
                                'showPossibleLocalizationRecords' => 1,
                                'showAllLocalizationLink' => 1


Is there something wron with this, or is this a specail issue with fe_users?


On Wed, December 18, 2013 09:58, Ludwig Rafelsberger wrote:
> Am Tue, 17 Dec 2013 23:28:05 +0100
> schrieb g4-lisz at tonarchiv.ch:
> Hi Till,
> Does your PortalUser have a valid property customer?
> Then: What happens if you explicitely create the Repository object
> (remove the @inject, insert something like
> $this->portalUserRepository =
> $this->objectManager->get('\\GK\\Stdapp\\Domain\\Repository\\PortalUserRepository');
> into the initializeObject() method? Could you …::var_dump() the result
> to check if it is there?
> Besides, I assume "ext_typoscritp_setup.txt" is a typo only in the mail…
> Cheers,
> Ludwig
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