[TYPO3-mvc] [TYPO3 6.1beta1] Using a repository in a service...

Stig Nørgaard Færch snf at dkm.dk
Thu Dec 5 16:28:21 CET 2013


I'm trying to use a repository in a service by declaring this:

  * frontendUserRepository
  * @var \TYPO3\Dkmbydel\Domain\Repository\FrontendUserRepository
protected $frontendUserRepository;

also tried with

But no matter what there is no object in $this->frontendUserRepository 
to work on.

I then tried to instantiate the object manually by:
$user = 

But this fails with this error:
#1: PHP Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to 
TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository::__construct() must implement 
interface TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManagerInterface, none given, 
called in 
on line 4149 and defined in 
line 89 (More information)

Is this a bug?
Or am forgetting to do something?

Btw. Extbase rocks! :-)

Best regards,

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