[TYPO3-mvc] Performance and Caching

Philipp philippwrann at gmx.at
Tue Apr 2 10:27:11 CEST 2013

Hey there

I am building a few pretty big extensions at the moment, and because of missing experience in Extbase i wonder how i can improve my performance and caching.

1) If i set some actions as cached i cant really use those plugins anymore because they wont work, a detail-view for example would display the same result - no matter what. In my case i use a simple query param to tell a detail view what to display, i dont use a param for the action. Same thing is for lists that are filterable, if i cache them you would not be able to set new filters - cause everything generated.

2) Caching in general: I activated everything i found on the internet in the LocalConfiguration.php, that looks like:


cache_hash -> deactivated - causes some problems with my config

'backend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend',
'frontend' => 't3lib_cache_frontend_VariableFrontend',
'options' => array('servers' => array('localhost:11211',),),


'backend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_FileBackend',
'frontend' => 't3lib_cache_frontend_PhpFrontend',

'backend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend',
'options' => array('servers' => array('localhost:11211',),),

'backend' => 't3lib_cache_backend_MemcachedBackend',
'options' => array('servers' => array('localhost:11211',),),

Anything here to improve?


3) Parsing Time:
When displaying 30-40 Models on one page the parsing time increases to ~2secs, thats 1.5 secs higher than i consider a reasonable reaction. I allready set @lazy annotations for all properties in my aggregates that are loaded from an other repos or held in objectStorages.
Any hints how i can improve that?

4) Fluid:
Parsing of templates takes pretty much time, of course i used conditions and loops, i dont see the point where i can improve that much, what should i focus on when improving performance?

What advices would you give me?

I dont need some minor improvements i need a major performance boost. On most pages i have 1-3 uncached plugins, so i think i have to work from the very base - template rendering process, model mapping process...

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