[TYPO3-mvc] tx_news: Restrict creation of news to pid

kopfstand_Sören Kracker s.kracker at kopfstand-mail.de
Tue Oct 2 16:26:28 CEST 2012

Thanks Kay. The second approach works.
Regarding the first one: Do you mean setting allowedTables to
'tx_news_domain_model_news' ?
Seems that if I use this setting I'll need to set all allowed tables but
the news table. That would be a hassle. There is no disallowTables
setting. Do I understand this correctly?

Kind Regards

Am 02.10.2012 10:16, schrieb Kay Strobach:
> Am 01.10.2012 16:40, schrieb kopfstand_Sören Kracker:
>> Hi,
>> is it possible to restrict creation of new news to a page? News records
>> should only be added to the sysfolder containing all news.
>> In extbase there are settings like newRecordStoragePid but this doesn't
>> seem to work. But maybe I've done something wrong with that setting. Any
>> ideas?
> This settings is for fe use.
> If you want to restrict that, you may set the allowedFolder / Pages
> settings in tca in a custom news_extension (which extends news).
> The creation of news is only possible on e.g. sysfolders.
> Otherwise you may use the preDB hook in tcemain and modify the pid field
> of news records directly.
> Regards
> Kay

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