[TYPO3-mvc] TYPO3 4.7 and error #1313855173 thrown by extbase - I still have this problem.

Stephen Bungert stephenbungert at yahoo.de
Wed May 2 19:36:04 CEST 2012

I'm creating an extbase extension at the moment, and thought I was having 
problems with the following bug:


But I have installed TYPO3 4.7 and still have the same problem, so I was 
wondering if I am doing something wrong.

I have 2 instances of my plugin on the page. There is a flexform with a 
switchable controller action. One shows a list of categories, the other a 
list of records. I want to use the list of categories to filter the list of 

Here is a part of my flexform:

         <numIndex index="1">
          <numIndex index="1">Item->list;Item->single</numIndex>
         <numIndex index="3">
          <numIndex index="1">Client->list;Client->single</numIndex>
         <numIndex index="5">
          <numIndex index="1">Category->list;Category->single</numIndex>
         <numIndex index="8">
          <numIndex index="1">Tag->list</numIndex>
         <numIndex index="7">
          <numIndex index="1">Testimonial->list</numIndex>

In my fluid template for the categories I make the following link around the 
category titles:

         <f:link.action pageUid="{settings.pids.itemList}" controller="Item" 
action="List" arguments="{category : category.uid}" title="{f:translate(key: 
'sbp2_titletext_filter_item_category')} {sbp2:title(record: category)}">
          {sbp2:title(record: category)}

I thought this link would just tell the list of records what to filter by. 
But the category plugin seems to be reacting to the Controller being "Item" 
and not "Category", and then shows the following error message:

"#1313855173: The controller "Item" is not allowed by this plugin. Please 
check for Tx_Extbase_Utility_Extension::configurePlugin() in your 
ext_localconf.php. "

I think I have configured it correctly:

  'Item' => 'list, single',
  'Client' => 'list, single',
  'Category' => 'list single',
  'Testimonial' => 'list',
  'Tag' => 'list',
 // non-cacheable actions
  'Item' => '',
  'Client' => '',
  'Category' => '',
  'Testimonial' => '',
  'Tag' => '',

Is the switchableControllerActions field supposed to be used the way I do? I 
thought it was sought of like a way to tell the extension what to display?

Thanks for any help 

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