[TYPO3-mvc] TYPO3/Extbase: Extension_Builder cannot save!

Gabriel Kaufmann | Typoworx info at typoworx.de
Mon Jun 25 10:15:30 CEST 2012

I tried the Extension_Builder (Extension Kickstarter for Extbase based 
Projects) on a fresh TYPO3-Installation. It seems to work, but I cannot 
save Extension-Builder Projects anymore. Extension-Builder throws the 
following error-popup:

Error while saving: Server responded with Status-Code: 0
Statustext: communication failure

I already tried to post a bugtrack into the Extension-Builder Issue tracker:

Does anyone have an idea?


    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Gabriel Kaufmann

    Mediengestalter für digital und print
    Fachrichtung Medienoperating

    TYPOWORX ???.??DI?
    Gabriel Kaufmann
    Siegfriedstraße 38 | 38106 Braunschweig
    USt.Id Nr. DE-268606152

    *T*elefon:0531-2521800 *F*ax:0531-2326411

    www.typoworx.de <http://www.typoworx.de/> info at typoworx.de
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