[TYPO3-mvc] extbase storagePid on CLI

Henjo Hoeksma me at henjohoeksma.nl
Mon Jun 4 10:14:59 CEST 2012

Lol, this makes sense of course!

Kind regards,


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On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 2:27 AM, Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer
<thasmo at gmail.com>wrote:

> Update on this.
> To set the storagePid for the BE _AND_ for the CLI,
> you need to use the TypoScript parameter "module":
>        module.tx_myext.persistence.**storagePid = 1,2,3
> Works like a charm! :)
> Regards,
> Thomas
> Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer schrieb:
>  Alright, that's also what I've experienced.
>> Openend a feature request:
>> http://forge.typo3.org/issues/**37654<http://forge.typo3.org/issues/37654>
>> Regards,
>> Thomas
>> Henjo Hoeksma schrieb:
>>> HI Thomas,
>>> don't know why, but I remember having issues with storagePids and CLI.
>>> So I
>>> checked an extension where I am using command controllers as well and can
>>> confirm I have set my persistence via extbase too.
>>> If I recall correctly, not doing this indeed will result in a not working
>>> application.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Henjo
>>> Problems are small because we learned how to deal with them.
>>> Problems are big because we need to learn how to deal with them.
>>> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:46 PM, Thomas "Thasmo"
>>> Deinhamer<thasmo at gmail.com
>>>> wrote:
>>>  Hello,
>>>> are you sure this works?
>>>> I've tried these:
>>>> plugin.tx_myext.persistence.****storagePid = 1,2,3
>>>> plugin.tx_myext_plugin.****persistence.storagePid = 1,2,3
>>>> In the end my repositories, which are called
>>>> inside the command controller, don't find any
>>>> objects - but if I set this, it works:
>>>> config.tx_extbase.persistence.****storagePid = 1,2,3
>>>> I don't add new records, I need the storagePid
>>>> only for reading records - I have table mappings
>>>> too, but I would not need them, because the name
>>>> of the tables are automatically mapped to the classes.
>>>> Any ideas on this? I think it's a bit odd to use
>>>> "config.tx_extbase.****persistence" to set the storage
>>>> page for a single command controller.
>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>> Thomas
>>>> kopfstand_Sören Kracker schrieb:
>>>> This should be set for module if it's a module. At least I didn't set
>>>>> any module settings for my command controller.
>>>>> I've set this for my command controller:
>>>>> plugin.tx_myext_abc {
>>>>> persistence.storagePid = {$pids.abcstorage}
>>>>> persistence.classes {
>>>>> Tx_Myext_Domain_Model_Abcd {
>>>>> newRecordStoragePid = {$pids.abcstorage}
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
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