[TYPO3-mvc] findOneBy memory usage

Saverio Vigni s.vigni at hor-net.com
Wed Jul 18 12:31:41 CEST 2012

That's the route i was going to take as the last try because i would 
like to stay in the extabase "way of life" as much as possible...

Il 18/07/12 11.27, Bastian Waidelich ha scritto:
> Saverio Vigni wrote:
> Hi Saverio,
>> I'm making a simple web spider for checking the link structure of a
>> quite big vacation rental website [...]
>> $newPage = $this->pageRepository->findOneByUrl($link->getUrl());
>> if(!$newPage){
>>      $newPage =
>> $this->objectManager->create('Tx_Webspider_Domain_Model_Page');
>>      $newPage->setUrl($link->getUrl());
>>      $this->pageRepository->add($newPage);
>> }
>> this is inside the loop of the links found in the page I'm processing,
>> the cal to the findOneBy makes the memory usage grow from 48MB to
>> hundreds of megabytes.
> 1) Add an index to the "url" column of your page table (as the url 
> should be unambiguous this could be a unique index)
> 2) try replacing $this->pageRepository->findOneByUrl by 
> $this->pageRepository->countByUrl - maybe that reduces memory consumption
> If both doesn't help you could query the database directly form your 
> repository or some service class:
> public function pageWithUrlExists($url) {
>     $tableName = 'tx_yourextension_page';
>     $where = 'url = ' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($url, 
> $tableName);
>     return $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTcountRows('*', $tableName, 
> $where) > 0;
> }
> (untested)
> If you're aware of the implications (less abstraction, no model 
> mapping, ..) and if you encapsulate it to separate classes there's no 
> harm in accessing the db directly.
> BTW: Note, that new pages are found only after persistAll() was called 
> (automatically after the controller has been dispatched). So you won't 
> find a page that has been added in the same session otherwise.
> Calling persistAll() for each iteration would be an overkill, but you 
> could store the urls in memory (in an array for example) and check 
> this before querying the database.

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