[TYPO3-mvc] How do you get the "next" record when on a detail view?

Claus Due claus at wildside.dk
Sat Jan 28 15:52:50 CET 2012

Hi again,

Forgot to mention that you may need to have {allCards} be an array of uids of records, and then use this:

<f:link action="show" arguments="{card: '{fed:next(haystack: allCards, needle: card.uid)}'">Next card</f:link>

Since I am not sure wether the string treatment of '{fed:next}', which is necessary to trigger the viewhelper call instead of a parse error, will return a proper value to use as a URL argument for your controller.

You would try the first example first, and if that doesn't work move on to the above approach.


On Jan 28, 2012, at 3:44 PM, Claus Due wrote:

> Hi Stephen,
> I have a suggestion. If what you are trying to do is to make some sort of navigation (almost page browser but with one item per page and only previous/next links) then this might be useful:
> http://fedext.net/fed-viewhelpers/loops-conditions/next/
> http://fedext.net/fed-viewhelpers/loops-conditions/previous/
> What you would need to do is to always assign the "master list" of Cards (for example a $repository->findAll() which is always in the same order), then use that template variable as the "haystack" parameter and the currently viewed card as the "needle" parameter.
> This way you can link to the next Card in your result set:
> <f:link action="show" arguments="{card: '{fed:next(haystack: allCards, needle: card)}'">Next card</f:link>
> The same exact thing goes for the fed:previous viewhelper.
> Hope this helps :)
> --
> Cheers,
> Claus
> http://fedext.net
> On Jan 28, 2012, at 11:30 AM, Stephen Bungert wrote:
>> Thanks, it works, i can ouput the next record in my template
>> {next.title} show the correct title, so I know it has found the correct record.
>> But if I try and debug the next record in fluid or in my controller the output from typo3 is a blank page.
>> Can you debug your next item in your fluid template ok?
>> "Alexander Dick" <typo3 at dick.at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:mailman.1.1327739758.21075.typo3-project-typo3v4mvc at lists.typo3.org...
>>> Hi,
>>> I made it this way:
>>>   /**
>>>    * Finds the previous of the given item
>>>    *
>>>    * @param Tx_Xxx_Domain_Model_Card $card The reference card
>>>    * @return Tx_hochzeitseinladungen_Domain_Model_Card
>>>    */
>>>   public function findPrevious(Tx_Xxx_Domain_Model_Card $card) {
>>>       $query = $this->createQuery();
>>>       $cards = $query->matching($query->lessThan('uid', $card->getUid()))
>>>           ->setLimit(1)
>>>           ->execute();
>>>       return (count($cards) == 0) ? NULL : $cards->getFirst();
>>>   }
>>>   /**
>>>    * Finds the card next to the given card
>>>    *
>>>    * @param Tx_Xxx_Domain_Model_Card $card The reference card
>>>    * @return Tx_Xxx_Domain_Model_Card
>>>    */
>>>   public function findNext(Tx_Xxx_Domain_Model_Card $card) {
>>>       $query = $this->createQuery();
>>>       $cards = $query->matching($query->greaterThan('uid', $card->getUid()))
>>>           ->setLimit(1)
>>>           ->execute();
>>>       return (count($cards) == 0) ? NULL : $cards->getFirst();
>>>   }
>>> HTH
>>> kind regards
>>> Alex
>>> Am 27.01.2012 20:47, schrieb Stephen Bungert:
>>>> I have a function in my repository:
>>>> /**
>>>> * Finds the single view's item's next item
>>>> *
>>>> * @param integer $uid The uid of the current single item.
>>>> * @return mixed An item
>>>> */
>>>> public function findNext($uid) {
>>>> $query = $this->createQuery();
>>>> $query->matching($query->greaterThan('uid', $uid));
>>>> return $query->execute();
>>>> }
>>>> That I call in my detail action in my controller.
>>>> $uid is the uid of the detail record, but trying to debug the return of
>>>> this function causes TYPO3 to not output anything.
>>>> I tried looking at other extbase extensions like news and blogexample
>>>> but I couldn't see any examples of how to get next records.
>>>> Thanks for any help.
>>>> Stephen. 
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