[TYPO3-mvc] $query->contains('feUser.usergroup', $myGroup) creates incorrect SQL syntax

Domi djgarms at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 01:49:19 CET 2012

On 01/19/2012 05:42 PM, Marc Bastian Heinrichs wrote:
> Hey Dominic,
>> in my repository I have a entity with a 1:1 relation to fe_users and
>> want to filter all of the entities where its user is in a certain group.
>> But the query
>> $query = $this->createQuery();
>> $constraint = $query->contains('feUser.usergroup', $group);
>> $query->matching($constraint);
>> return $query->execute();
>> Results in a incorrect syntax: in the join and in the column names the
>> table fe_users is missing. Here the sql error:
>> [...]
>> So the table fe_users is missing in the JOIN and in the WHERE clause. If
>> I add it manually in a sql browser its valid and working.
>> Is this a bug or is it not possible in the way I do it?
> Could you post your tca and your model properties? And which version do
> you use?
> Best
> Marc Bastian


this is how my TCA looks like:
$TCA['tx_myext_domain_model_client']['columns']['fe_user']['config'] = 
	'type' => 'group',
	'allowed' => 'fe_users',
	'internal_type' => 'db',
	'maxitems' => 1,
	'minitems' => 1,
	'wizards' => $editSuggestWizard,

The model:
* feUser
* @var Tx_Myext_Domain_Model_FEUser
protected $feUser;

I am using TYPO3 4.6.3. Hope you can see my mistake


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