[TYPO3-mvc] Disabling specific caches (i.e. for fluid templates)

Frank Gerards F.Gerards at esolut.de
Mon Jan 2 14:17:58 CET 2012

Hi list again,

sry for confusing the topic in my former post.

@Philipp: Thx for the wiki-post link. However this mechanism works

For i.e. cache_phpcode (autoloader cache), but not for the fluid_template cache,
which is stored under typo3temp/Cache/Code/fluid_template. If I switch that to a null backend,
I get a fluid core exception telling me that I need at least an instance of t3lib_cache_frontend_PhpFrontend.

Anyway, I found out, that hitting the "Clear all caches" button also clears the fluid_template Cache-Files,
So the problem seems to be somewhere else...


> Hi Frank,

Frank Gerards wrote:

> happy new year to everybody :), I got a quick question:
> Is it possible to disable the bytecode/PPH-file caching of fluid in
> TYPO3 4.6.x ?
> For early development with a central database and local versioned file 
> installations we tend to disable the php-file caching level, as we 
> don't synchronize typo3temp-folders and we got errors with outdated 
> fluid php-cache-files and stuff.

Have a look here:

Best regards
Philipp Gampe – PGP-Key 0AD96065

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