[TYPO3-mvc] Cannot get findByProperty to work

Mark Kuiphuis spam at markyourweb.com
Mon Jan 2 08:17:12 CET 2012

Hi Georg,

I hadn't, but just added this one, but no change...(orders are saved in PID 0 
anyway)..could that maybe generating the error?

I also tried to override this function in the OrderRepository with the following 

public function findByTransactionId($transactionId){
	$query = $this->createQuery();
	return $query->matching($query->equals('transaction_id', $transactionId))->execute();

I do use the setRespectStoragePage(FALSE) there...(however, orders are saved in PID 
0...something else I need to solve :(

The generated SQL looks like this:

SELECT tx_travelprograms_domain_model_order.* FROM 
tx_travelprograms_domain_model_order WHERE 
tx_travelprograms_domain_model_order.transaction_id = ? AND 
tx_travelprograms_domain_model_order.deleted=0 AND 
tx_travelprograms_domain_model_order.hidden=0 AND 
tx_travelprograms_domain_model_order.pid IN (0)

Without debugging with Tx_ExtDebug::var_dump($orders) I do get to see the view, but 
no variables {order.uid} etc. etc. will be replaced...(but are added to the view with 
$this->view->assign('order', $order);

With debugging with Tx_ExtDebug::var_dump($orders) I do get the error:

#1210859206: Cannot return value of private property "warning.

Tx_Extbase_Reflection_Exception thrown in file
in line 95.

Potentially this could be an Ext_Debug bug... but looking in the 
PropertyReflection.php class it looks like $this->isPrivate() returns TRUE....but the 
property $transactionId in the model has been set to protected..(I also tried public, 
but again to no avail)....

Thanks, Mark

On 2/01/12 4:50 PM, Georg Ringer wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> did you set the pid in your TS?
> this would be plugin.tx_extkey.persistence.storagePid
> byUid ignores this setting but all of the others do you use this.
> georg

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