[TYPO3-mvc] Request does not end

Dirk Rauscher dr_typo3 at itb-institut.de
Wed Feb 22 10:45:27 CET 2012

Hi Lorenz,

like in your TS I have a baseURL defined while absRelPrefix is not.
I am using realUrl. But even when I turn off realUrl functionality the 
error occurs.

The content of the tabs is pre-loaded in the fluid templates:

<script type="text/javascript">
       jQuery("#theTabs").tabs({create: function(e,ui){
          var i = jQuery.cookie('selEdTab');
       jQuery("#theTabs").tabs({select: function(event,ui){

<div id="theTabs">

   	<ul id="formTabsScript" style="display:none;">
		<li><a href="#ui-tabs-1">Label1</a></li>
		<li><a href="#ui-tabs-2">Label2</a></li>
		<li><a href="#ui-tabs-3">Label3</a></li>

	<div id="ui-tabs-1">

The curious thing is: For editAction and newAction the both Templates 
are similar. When entering wrong values in the form's input fields both 
actions validate right and return to __referrer on an exception.
While newAction then ends the request and renders the output, editAction 
does not end the request but is calling updateAction again.

I debugged the jquery framework to see what is going on while generating 
the tabs:
The _tabify function iterates through the defined a-Tags to tabify them.
It distinguishes between href attributes which have an anchor 
(#ui-tabs-1) given or an url 
(die-anwendung.html?no_cache=1&param=value&...#ui-tabs-1). If href is an 
anchor the generated tab just points to the anchor. But if it's an url 
jquery executes an ajax call.

Calling the editAction for the first time (click the 'edit' button of a 
person) the jquery _tabify function iterates the a-Tags and finds href = 

When clicking the 'save' button and the form is filled out wrong an 
exception is thrown. Now the _tabify function gets the a-Tags href 
attirubtes that way: die-anwendung.html?no_cache=1&....&...#ui-tabs-1
Now instead of rendering the form, jquery makes an ajax call on the 
given url and fills the tab's content with the response which is an 
error message.

Hope I explained it detailed enough ;-)

Which jquery version are you using?

Kind regards

Am 21.02.2012 10:43, schrieb Lorenz Ulrich:
> Hi Dirk
> Don't know what way you are using the tabs (dynamically loaded content
> or pre-loaded), but to me it sounds like an absRefPrefix problem.
> Since it's clearly no Extbase problem, you could move the discussion
> out? I have JQuery UI Tabs working (with baseUrl, without absRefPrefix)
> properly in an Extbase extension. Storing/validating works and thanks to
> JQuery Cookie the user is back on the last opened Tab after saving.
> If you can provide more details on your setup, I might give you some
> help fixing that.
> Lorenz
> Am 21.02.2012 10:32, schrieb Dirk Rauscher:
>> Hi Henjo,
>> I went through the code again and found a soluttion for the problem.
>> As you assumed correctly the javascript code altered the form code. Now
>> I did a little hack in the js framework to avoid this bahaviour. Not the
>> most elegant way... but it works.
>> Explaination:
>> I use jquery framework 1.7.1, UI 1.8.17 to generate a tabbed form.
>> In $.widget("ui.tabs") there is the function _tabify() which is
>> responsible for building the panels and tabs from some defined a-tags.
>> The loop this.anchors.each(function(i,a))... iterates through the a-tags
>> and generates the appropriate tabs.
>> For some reason the line
>> var href = $(a).attr("href");
>> returns a full url instead of the section anchor. This url points to the
>> updateAction of my Extension. The jquery framework then tries to load
>> the content of the panel through an ajax call and leads to a exception.
>> Now I changed the line to
>> var href = a.href;
>> and the returned value is what it should be -> the section anchor.
>> The tab content isn't loaded through a wrong ajax call any longer.
>> Maybe there is another solution for that problem that is more elegant.
>> Kind regards,
>> Dirk
>> Am 19.02.2012 08:42, schrieb Henjo Hoeksma:
>>> Hi Dirk,
>>> little in the dark here, sorry. Just to make sure:
>>> with the tabs feature off -> everything works fine?
>>> If that's the case, the tabs function does something that alters your
>>> form
>>> code and most-likely strips some code in the hidden form parts.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Henjo
>>> Problems are small because we learned how to deal with them.
>>> Problems are big because we need to learn how to deal with them.
>>> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 12:20, Dirk
>>> Rauscher<dr_typo3 at itb-institut.de>wrote:
>>>> Hi Henjo,
>>>> thanks for you reply.
>>>>> Shouldn't you bind the call's you do in your javascript events?
>>>> I don't see the meaning of your question. The calls that can be done in
>>>> this form are 'save' and 'cancel' and both are handled by the form's
>>>> submit
>>>> button respectively a link. The only thing the javascript does is to
>>>> split
>>>> up the form's fields into tabs.
>>>> I think it is somethin in the extbase code as I found this:
>>>> My newAction and editAction both use identical templates (same
>>>> formfield
>>>> partial, javascript etc.) and they are for creating/editing a person.
>>>> Example:
>>>> When creating a new person it goes like this:
>>>> ------------------------------**---------------------
>>>> ++ calling newAction --> renderForm
>>>> ++ filling the form with invalid data and klick submit
>>>> ++ calling createAction --> validate the submitted person-object
>>>> ++ calling errorAction --> forward to __referrer(newAction)
>>>> ++ renderForm --> END
>>>> But when editing an existing person this happens:
>>>> ------------------------------**---------------------
>>>> ++ calling editAction --> renderForm
>>>> ++ filling the form with invalid data and klick submit
>>>> ++ calling updateAction --> validate the submitted person-object
>>>> ++ calling errorAction --> forward to __referrer(editAction)
>>>> ++ renderForm
>>>> ++ calling errorAction --> return error message (no forward because no
>>>> __referrer is given)
>>>> I can't see where the different lies. Removing all php code from the
>>>> updateAction or createAction doesn't cause any difference. The
>>>> php-code in
>>>> newAction and editAction is equal.
>>>> Any suggestions...?
>>>> Kind regards, Dirk
>>>> Am 16.02.2012 00:40, schrieb Henjo Hoeksma:
>>>>> I don't think this is an Extbase issue.
>>>>> Shouldn't you bind the call's you do in your javascript events?
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Henjo
>>>>> Problems are small because we learned how to deal with them.
>>>>> Problems are big because we need to learn how to deal with them.
>>>>> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 16:34, Dirk
>>>>> Rauscher<dr_typo3 at itb-**institut.de<dr_typo3 at itb-institut.de>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I encounter a strange behaviour in using t3jquery with my extbase
>>>>>> extension.
>>>>>> I generate a form whose fields are distributed over 4 Tabs. For
>>>>>> that I
>>>>>> use
>>>>>> a jQuery function tabs() in my Fluid Template.
>>>>>> jQuery(document).ready(****function(){
>>>>>> jQuery("#theTabs").tabs();
>>>>>>> });
>>>>>> On the first call of editAction the form is rendered properly. If the
>>>>>> form
>>>>>> is filled out in an incorrect way and the save button is clicked, the
>>>>>> updateAction is called. The defined annotations in updateAction
>>>>>> recognizes
>>>>>> a invalid object and calls errorAction. From there errorAction
>>>>>> returns to
>>>>>> the __referrer --> editAction.
>>>>>> So far everything is ok, but instead of ending the request and
>>>>>> rendering
>>>>>> the editAction template, the updateAction is called again!
>>>>>> When I debug request->getArguments() there is nothing in except for
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> keys [action] and [controller].
>>>>>> If I deactivate javascript support in my browser everything's ok
>>>>>> and the
>>>>>> request ends up after errorAction returns to the __referrer.
>>>>>> How can I get rid of this behaviour? Is it a bug?
>>>>>> Any help is gratefully appreciated.
>>>>>> Dirk
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