[TYPO3-mvc] Is there a general viewhelper for 10.value={text} 10.typolink.parameter={destination}?

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Mon Aug 27 14:10:27 CEST 2012

[Steffen Müller] wrote & schrieb:

>On 25.08.2012 19:56 Martin Bless wrote:
>> I'm looking for a replacement for:
>>   10 = TEXT
>>   10.value = {more1}
>>   10.typolink.parameter = {dest1}
>> How would I do that?
>Have you tried <f:cObject> ViewHelper which allows to use TypoScript for
>rendering content?

I've been reading that 10 times and couln't find the solution. How would
I rewrite the above TypoScript in 

   <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.doTheWork" data="{..?..}" />

notiation? I don't get it ...

Somebody knows?


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