[TYPO3-mvc] view renderer ignores action argument

Thomas Allmer at at delusionworld.com
Mon Oct 17 14:51:46 CEST 2011

On 15.10.2011 09:59, Bastian Waidelich wrote:
> Thomas Allmer wrote:
>> and I mean it's just as simple as making a function public instead of
>> protected... [...]
> This might seem to be an easy decision, but it has to be considered very
> well, which parts of the Framework are public (api) and which aren't -
> and it has to be in sync with FLOW3.
> I don't see a reason, why this shouldn't be public in this case, but
> it's not a matter of changing the string "protected" to "public"
> unfortunately.

sure public api is a serious business... and actually I'm really happy 
how extbase/fluid work it's just a breeze and makes coding fun again :)

while using it I just find some minor glitches here and there which is 
actually nothing as there are always workarounds... but it feels "wrong" 
in this nice extbase/fluid "workaround-free-zone"...

so let's try and fix it "properly" and give back the solution to the 
community... and that seems currently not too easy... certainly not as 
fun as coding... so at some point you will lose people actually trying 
to give back...

the problem is that there is no feedback at all :/ probably a result of 
the "no feedback unless I have the perfect solution sickness" of 
programmers... and I admit - I have it too :p

but a feedback like
"seems ok, probably you could provide a gerrit review [for fluid in FLOW3]"
"sorry your solution seems not as perfect as we would like to see it in 
extbase/fluid as ... maybe you could improve on these parts."
"sorry the idea of the solutions seems to not fit in the extbase/fluid 
system, but we see the problem you have. Currently there is no proper 
solution for that, but we will work on something. Once we have an idea 
we may get back to you so we can collaborate if this works for you too. 
Until then please use your current solution."
"it would be better if you try to do it like this..."
OR even
"this is a common problem... please look for it in the manual."

would be totally ok... :p

I mean if my idea sucks I would like to know so I can do it better next 
time :p
also if people actually supply code then they probably have at least 
some knowledge on how it could/should work... you should definitely tap 
these resources and guide them to there (first) gerrit push...

just my 2 cents

>> there is currently not much feedback from the devs as I guess they are
>> pretty busy with FLOW3 1.0...
> As you might have read [1], we're currently restructuring the Extbase
> team. This is also an effort to reduce the massive amount of 200+ open
> issues in the tracker, but this might take some time so please bear with
> us.

looking forward to that... please be quick as not communicating is 
probably one of the worst things in open source communities. (see that 
communicating, communities... hihi)

| Thomas Allmer                   |   http://www.delusionworld.com    |
| E-mail: at at delusionworld.com    |   phone: +43 699 16217064         |

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