[TYPO3-mvc] Extbase & correct language handling

Georg Ringer typo3 at ringerge.org
Fri Nov 25 07:27:18 CET 2011

Hi everybody,

I expect that most of you who are using extbase for multilanguage-sites 
know that extbase doesn't do all things 100%.

As my extension news is getting more attention there are now also 
complaints about the current state of extbase - and I wanna change that 
- Issue [1]

Are there more people interested in fixing those issues? It would be 
great if at least one of the "extbase core team" could help us with 
implementing the last steps!

How does it currently work
Extbase fetches all records with sys_language_uid 0,-1 (default and 'all 
languages') and does an overlay with the current language.

Current drawbacks
1) It is quite common to have records without any default language 
parent. Those records are currently not visible to be loaded

=> I got a patch for that already, see [2]

2) Don't know exactly if this is an extbase or configuration issue but 
IMO the first one:

News got a relation to media records via irre. After translating the 
record and its relations an media record which is only available in 
translation is not shown.

3) Do you got any other issues?

Thanks for your help!

[1] http://forge.typo3.org/issues/32072
[2] http://forge.typo3.org/attachments/19497/extbase_language.diff

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