[TYPO3-mvc] extending news

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Tue Nov 15 17:10:35 CET 2011

Stefano Cecere wrote:

Hi Stefano

> sorry for the (perhaps) stupid question... [...]
> but what's the best practice way to extend an ExtBase (news, in this
> case) with new/own fields?

This is not a stupid question at all.
In fact we were discussing it a lot - also in the Phoenix team.
In FLOW3 we will be able to solve this issue with so called "mixins" 
once they're implemented.

In Extbase we won't have that feature. But if you only need the fields 
in the Backend & Templates there are possible work-arounds. See [1] for 
some infos and ideas we collected at the last DevDays.



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