[TYPO3-mvc] extending news

Henjo Hoeksma me at henjohoeksma.nl
Mon Nov 14 20:18:30 CET 2011

Hi Stefan,

yes, you can use class extension, i.e. your model extends the news model.
And yes, you should set up the class mapping within typoscript.

Look at some of the threads regarding single table inheritance, or at the
blog_example using the connection to the extbase models for users.

It's actually pretty straight forward. :-)

Kind regards,


Problems are small because we learned how to deal with them.
Problems are big because we need to learn how to deal with them.

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 19:28, Stefano Cecere <scecere at krur.com> wrote:

> hi
> sorry for the (perhaps) stupid question... (i write here redirected from
> the tt-news newsgroup)
> but what's the best practice way to extend an ExtBase (news, in this case)
> with new/own fields?
> with tt_news it was quite easy (with an hook)
> i already managed to extend the fe_user table/model, to be used within an
> extension of mine
> but what if i just want to "inject" some new fields in the news model, and
> then call them via the fluid template, still using original and already
> installed news plugins ?
> have i just to configure with the typoscript mapping or is it more complex?
> thank you for any info (the extbase book has still that model/mapping part
> in german only :)
> --
> ____    ___   __  _ ______________________
>  Stefano Cecere
>  Krur multimedia studio
> ______________________________**_________________
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