[TYPO3-mvc] problem with fluid template for a rss feed

Bastian Waidelich bastian at typo3.org
Fri Nov 11 14:44:11 CET 2011

Claus Due wrote:

Hi Kerstin & Claus,

> You may want to check out the extension "fed", at least to see how a RawViewHelper is made.
> With it, you can do this:
> <fed:raw><![CDATA[</fed:raw>CDATA'd text]]>

Did you try this? Because this would probably comment out everything 
behind the CDATA tag still.

BTW: There is a f:format.raw ViewHelper now in Fluid, too - not that I 
wouldn't recommend using fed! ;)


should do the trick, but a cdata viewHelper would be nicer:
<content:encode>{newsItem.bodytext -> x:format.cdata()}</content:encode>

If you create an issue, I'll create the code ;)


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