[TYPO3-mvc] How to use partial validation for a multi-step form

André Steiling steiling at elemente.ms
Thu Nov 10 11:51:20 CET 2011

Hello everybody,

did anyone find a solution so far? I have the same problem using T3 
4.5.7 and the shipped extbase/fluid extensions (1.3.1-devel) and a 
controller setup like Sebastian explained right here.

When the form is submitted and the saveStep1 action is called, I get the 
execption "#1217839467: Could not ultimately dispatch the request after 
101 iterations. Most probably, a @dontvalidate annotation is missing on 
re-displaying a form with validation errors.".

The @dontvalidate annotation is set to every show* action, but the 
passed object is vaildated, the annotation is ignored. The original 
example by Sebastian Kurfürst at 
is dated in 03-2010, so I think it doesn't work with the current extbase 
version ...

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