[TYPO3-mvc] Extbase: TypoScript Condition with Controller/Action when there is no URL parameter?

Roland most.wanted at gmx.at
Thu Nov 3 09:59:01 CET 2011

> It would be great for others if you would post your working solution!

i guess my "so far solution" is a little bit dirty at the moment - this 
is how it looks like:

--- quote (typoscript) ---

### "default" when there are no get parameters ###
[globalVar = TSFE:id=3]
page.bodyTag = <body id="page" class="template-produkte 

### special condition ###
[globalVar = GP:tx_gebroprodukte_produkte|controller=Produkt] && 
[globalVar = GP:tx_gebroprodukte_produkte|action=show]
page.bodyTag = <body id="page" class="template-2col 
template-produkte-detail template-produkte-verschreibungspflichtig-detail">

--- /quote ---

better solution suggestions are welcome! ;-)

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