[TYPO3-mvc] extbase: Use another field than uid for action controllers

Peter Niederlag typo3-list at niekom.de
Sat May 21 09:19:51 CEST 2011


Am 20.05.2011 22:57, schrieb Franz Koch:
> Hey,
> In the meantime you can simply pass your custom property value annotated
> as "string" or whatever it is and then simply grab the item from the
> repository like Stefan showed in his answer.

there is still a difference though as you can't just add the value in 
GET/POST to get the object without having to do anything than declaring 
the proper method signature and annotation for your action and having it 
validated (big bonus!).

Well, @uuid is really something that would be nice but can't even really 
be implemented all the way as it just would't work with $TCA, without 
heavy use of customs funcs. ;(


Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *

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