[TYPO3-mvc] findByProperty() - Repository Method

Frank Mey - NEW.EGO mey_mailings at newego.de
Tue May 10 12:51:56 CEST 2011

Hi list,


I use the findByProperty()-Method in a Controller action, that as a
Tx_Domain_Model. Object assigned.

The corresponding property of the model is a m-m relation thus a
Persistent_object_storage that holds objects of

the type I assigned to the controller action. 


Here is some code-Sample to make it clearer:



      * Displays all articles of one category

      * @param Tx_NeTestExt_Domain_Model_Kategorie $kategorie

      * @return void


      public function listcatAction(Tx_NeTestExt_Domain_Model_Kategorie
$kategorie) {

            // debug($kategorie->getUid());

            $articles =

            $this->view->assign('articles', $articles);





Sadly even though the Kategorie-Object is passed right (as i can debug ist

No articles are returned. I checked the m-m relation database table and the
entries there are right (uid_foreign holds "1" for several article uids).


Any clue why that mechanism doesn't work here ?


There are no error messages in the output, just empty result.


Btw: Is there a way to debug the SQL-statement the
persistence-manager-object sends to the database ?




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