[TYPO3-mvc] Using interfaces for dependency injection on domain models

Franz Koch typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Thu Mar 31 12:00:33 CEST 2011

Hey Thomas,

> Wouldn't it make sense to use an
> interface which defines those methods,
> to ensure extended models will also
> use those methods for compatibility?

Extending models inherit your models methods anyway, don't they? ;)

In this particular case I see it like Christian - interfaces only for 
the sake to extend model properties don't make much sense in my eyes. 
And as long as the models shouldn't be interchangeable with foreign 
models coming from different sources I also don't see a real need for 
them. But as Christian said - those are just our personal points of view 
- it's up to you and the use case in your extension. It's not wrong to 
use them, but also not necessarily needed.

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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