[TYPO3-mvc] passing value to another plugin (i.e. action not in the flow)

Peter Niederlag typo3-list at niekom.de
Fri Mar 25 22:08:55 CET 2011

Hello Christian,

Am 25.03.2011 21:25, schrieb christian oettinger:
> Hi Peter, thanks for helping!
> Let's forget about my request tries (that's probably wise...) and go
> back to standard (as seen below):
> Two Plugins are in one Controller (TrainingController). The first plugin
> (Plugin Name "Search", leading to searchboxAction) shows the searchbox
> form.

If I dont misinterpret your code you have two plugins and a bunch of 

For GET/POST Params one plugin is using a namespace 
'tx_arztcme_trainings' and the other one 'tx_arztcme_search'. Is that 

Unfortunatly I can't tell you an easy way to map properties from one 
namespace to the other (however there could be one). On link/action 
viewhelpers it is easy to add arguments that are then added in the 
proper namespace. However If I get you right you want to trigger/feed 
two ("independent") instances of a plugin(or two different plugins) on 
one page with the same argument. Currently you use two different Plugins 
for that purpose.

Correct/Are you still with me? ;)

My adivce/suggestion would be: just use one(!) Plugin, as that eases 
quite a few things! Actually there is no real need for two different 
plugins in most cases!

If you only have one plugin you probably face two problems:
- one instance is restricted to certain controllers/actions but will 
just behave like the other instance -> use flexform and 
allowedControllerActions to restrict the Controller/Actions (so one will 
always show the searchbox)
- different templates for the same action in differnt instances -> 
either solve it by some view logis inside the fluid-template or use 
layoutVariant() [1].

That's what I would suggest or use myself!

The other solution/approach is to use a initializeFoobarAction() method 
for a foobarAction() and get your hands dirty in there by searching the 
argument (if nothing else works from raw $_GET/$_POST) and then 
adding/setting it like you already described via 

Since you seem to operate with one simple string value this solution 
probably could be reasonable for you.

hth and Greets,
Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *

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