[TYPO3-mvc] RFC: ##12358 Add getConstraint() to the queryinterface

Sebastian Kurfürst sebastian at typo3.org
Wed Jan 19 08:36:23 CET 2011

Hey Georg,

> I am just building a viewhelper based on
> Tx_Fluid_Core_Widget_AbstractWidgetViewHelper. The viewhelper is used to
> modify the query. Only problem is: it is not possible to get the
> contraints of the query.
It is, just do $query->getConstraint(). It's implemented inside

You are right that getConstraint() is NOT inside the interface, but this
is done on purpose: The reason for this is that not all query
implementations might be able to give back a constraint if they are
asked for it; and that's why it is not in the interface.

Hope this helps :-)


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