[TYPO3-mvc] mm-relation

Franz Koch typo3.RemoveForMessage at elements-net.de
Mon Jan 17 14:10:33 CET 2011

Hey Dawid,

>>> I`ve added @lazy to property
>>> /**
>>> * portal
>>> * @lazy
>>> * @var
>>> Tx_Extbase_Persistence_ObjectStorage<Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Portal>
>>> */
>>> protected $portal;
>>> Nothing changed :(
>> have you also cleared the cache after adding the @lazy annotation?
> I always clear cache after almoust every change. This time wasn`t any
> exception.

As with Daniels issue, I'm running out of ideas here. If you like you 
could send me the code of your extension via email (watch out for the 
spam protection phrase in my mail address) and I'll have a closer look 
and hopefully find the cause of your problem.

kind regards,
Franz Koch

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