[TYPO3-mvc] mm-relation

Dawid Pacholczyk dpacholczyk at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 10:43:49 CET 2011

W dniu 2011-01-13 15:18, Franz Koch pisze:
> Hey,
>> I had maybe 1 relation and I had no place to screw up the naming scheme
>> But I`ll double check everything.
>> And still my question: are there some special methods for mm-relation or
>> should I use the standard one and extbase will do everything for me ?
> In general you don't have to take care of anything special when using mm
> relations. I'm using them all the time. The only issue extbase currently
> has is (AFAIK), that it lacks proper support for mm_match_fields under
> certain conditions (I stumbled over a issue once - but that was on
> storing, not fetching IIRC).
> Of course you might need to adjust the TCA definitions created by the
> kickstarter to your needs. How does it currently look it?

Hi again !

I still have some strange problems with this.

I`m trying to use this sample of code

$records = $this->recordRepository->findAll();

when I start it the browser just spins. At the moment it already took 
over 2 minutes and nothing. I have only 3 records with 1 relations so I 
don`t get it :/

This is sample of my TCA from Record.php

'portal' => array(
			'exclude'	=> 0,
			'label'		=> 
			'config'	=> array(
				'type' => 'inline',
				'foreign_table' => 'tx_myext_domain_model_portal',
				'MM' => 'tx_myext_record_portal_mm',
				'maxitems' => 99999,
				'appearance' => array(
					'collapse' => 0,
					'newRecordLinkPosition' => 'bottom',
					'showSynchronizationLink' => 1,
					'showPossibleLocalizationRecords' => 1,
					'showAllLocalizationLink' => 1

Should I have some mm definition in Portal tca too ? Cause I don`t see 
it there.

best regards,
Dawid Pacholczyk

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