[TYPO3-mvc] custom validation error messages

Pascal Jungblut mail at pascal-jungblut.com
Sun Jan 16 17:09:34 CET 2011

Hey Uwe,

just have a look at the Extbase wiki[1].


[1] <http://forge.typo3.org/projects/typo3v4-mvc/wiki/Translated_validation_error_messages_for_Fluid>

On 16.01.2011, at 16:41, Uwe Mesecke wrote:

> Hi,
> I am currently looking into extbase/fluid and try to get some overview of its functionalities, possibilities and current limitations.
> At the moment one of the major obstacles is the lack of customizing error messages that are thrown by the validators. At least I haven't found any documented method for setting your own messages. For example the StringLengthValidator has hardcoded error messages in its isValid() method.
> Is there any commonly used workaround for this issue or are there plans for implementing such a feature?
> Best regards,
> Uwe Mesecke

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